CRank: 5Score: 27710

you mean 10 years of dog sh!t right?

5626d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

you get what you pay for. XBL if worth $50 a year, or about 12 cents a day. Wow, thats alot huh?
Not to mention when you have a job, $50 a year means nothing.

XBL has a more active community,

more people actually talk in matches,

NXE dashboard is laid out better than PS3's setup,

XBL has an 8 person party chat. PS3 just recently got 1 on 1 chat. The only way many people can chat at once on PSN is when they use Home to chill on a bori...

5626d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment
5626d ago

man, this site is like 80% PS3 users who always rally against every compliment made towards the 360. You all must feel pretty good about yourselves considering no one who likes 360 can ever be right when the majority of the sites users drown them out with misinformation and sh!tty predictions. Killzone 2 is already the greatest game ever and no on has even played the final version yet. PS3 will take 09 even thougt thats what the said about 07-08 and they were wrong. Someone says they enjoyed ...

5630d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

the point i made was that the 360 has just as much chance at taking 2009 as PS3. the 360 has dozens of great multiplats coming out and a few exclusives worth mentioning. Honestly, the 360 does not have as many exclusives as PS3 this year, but i will use the excuse you and your brand have used ti explain PS3's 3rd place for the past 2 years: "The 360 has been out year longer". 360 destroyed 05, 06, 07, and even though it will still do great, it wont have the steam in '09 that it had ...

5631d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That really was funny, i laughed a bit. Oh, by the way, Halo 3 (94 metacritic score), Mass Effect(91 metacritic score), and Gears 2(93 metacritic score) say hi. So does my 360 that has survived 3+ years of playing superior online. PS3 got an actual boring online service just a month or two ago right? Two years after launch and it still blows?
And Alan Wake,
Splinter Cell: Conviction,
Resident Evil 5,
Bioshock 2,
Halo Wars,
Tekken 6,

5631d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

you dont even know what your talking about SuperM, none of you do. Most people bought a 360 in 2005-2006 because they knew halo 3 was coming out. Of course hardware wouldnt have moved up in late 2007 because most who already had a 360 had one because of Halo. As a side-note, Halo 3 was commercially and critically VERY successful. But i suppose all who said Halo 3 was great are on MS's payroll, right? /sarcasm

5631d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

oooo wow now make the game fun to play and i'll actually care

5633d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it really is hilarious, this whole situation. PS3 gets KZ2 and they think they have it all.
Does Killzone 2 look gorgeous? Yes it does very much. But graphics dont make a game. Graphics do not make a game fun, they are only there to please the eye. In a way, this upcoming example is only to see how many disagrees i get, but its a true example: Halo 3.
Halo 3's graphics were not groundbreaking, only decent or solid. However, not only did it get 9's and 9.5's from every credible r...

5637d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

could be wrong but sounds like nathan drake got his story info from wikipedia and probably has never if not barely played the game.

anyways, if you take the time to notice, Dom's wife has a massive stitch line going across her head, whic is a good indication that the locust performed some kinda crude brain surgery to her, and has messed her mind all to hell. so not only is she feeling pain, but her mind is totally jacked now. Id rather my wife me dead than a walking corpse with n...

5639d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Cause you can have you own theme on 360 too. Movie themes are almost always free, and you can upload pictures to your 360 to use as themes too via windows media center or a digital camera.

i forgot sony gives all of their products away for free as well, you know, items such as clothes and houses in Home are free, right?....Right?

Its always the same thing on this site. Sony, the home-grown, wholesome, kind, genuine family business that showers people with free produc...

5640d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

please tell me you guys arnt serious?? please tell me this article is a joke??? Theres no way in the living gates of hell killzone 2 has better graphics than crysis, its not possible. Crysis maxed out on a PC destroys Killzone in ever sense of the word.

Not to mention, Crysis has enormous, dense jungles, gorgeous water visuals, rays of sun reflect off every leaf, the grainy sandy beaches and jungle canopy, rocks look ridged and coarse as can be, AI is superb, enemies faces are mo...

5641d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

comparing Halo popularity to a multiplatform game is unfair

thats like saying i beat you in a weightlifting contest because i had another guy help me lift the weights.

5643d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

COD4 didnt sell more than Halo on 360, and probably not sell as much on both PS3 or 360. as of right now, according to, COD4 is the 4th most played xbox Live game, while Halo 3 is the second most played. COD: World at War is number 1, but it came out a year later so obviously it will be more popular for awhile, then we'll see if it dies down or not.

Not to mention, COD didnt get better review scores. According to, COD4 received a 94 out of 100 from the crit...

5643d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

i never said you couldnt do it on the PS3 either. You have the ability to view a full list of peoples games on both Xbox Live and PSN, the pont i was trying to make is why should you even care about other peopls games? And even if you do care, you can view all of peoples games and come to your own conclusions. This whole article is pointless.

5647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

trophies are not at all better than achievements. Yea, you could go aound beating the kiddie games for 1000g, but if your a freak who really cares about that, you have the ability to compare games with everyone on Xbox Live. So like i said, if you see a guy with 50k gamerscore and your freaking out about whether he got that high score by beating games like Surf's Up and Kung Fu Panda, feel free to look at every game he's played, and deduct all the kiddie games from his score so you'll know ho...

5647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it comes with 3 maps, not a couple(a couple is two, just so you know)

so i'll ignore your inaccurate fanboy info and say that i am still displeased at Gears 2's problems. Its not really broken, and can be very, very good at times, but it can be nearly unplayable sometimes too with all of the imbalances in gameplay, glitches and inconsistancies

5666d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OH WOW, i cant wait to spend my evening dancing with a bunch of virtual people inside a virtual mall instead of playing Halo, Gears of War, Resistance or hanging out with my gf!!!! Hell, she can come over and watch my Home guy dance inside of the mall! She'll have a blast!!! FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!!!!!

5666d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

anyone who hates it when a 360 game gets a good review thinks its heading down the dumpster

5668d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

how much you wanna bet you got disagrees simply for your name and your avatar?

Yea home is free and optional, but so is dogsh*t too and that doesnt mean i want it so those arent valid arguments.

5669d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment